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A Sketch of The Artist

Rusty Grindstaff is a satirist and a fabulist—his writing interweaves mythic poetry, crude cartoons, fineprint legalese, witty dialogue, animal fables, cynical philosophy, mathematical fantasy, technical diagrams, and toilet humor.

Adept across a multitude of mediums, Rusty regularly transmutes his satirickal vision into printed zines, filmed puppet shows, pen and ink drawings, costumes, live performances, and a growing assortment of “Mercxendise."*

Rusty believes that humans are not much smarter than rats in the grand scheme of things, and that our brains are ill-prepared and ill-adapted for the last three centuries of technological development... everything is crazy, but that’s how it is, and any hope of making serious changes for the better is likely to be fraught with peril but we maybe should ought to try regardless.

Rusty lives in Austin, Texas with his partner, Lauren, and their cat, Meoqat.**

* An unnecessary portmanteau of "merchandise" and "Merxces", the titular character of Psychopomp.

** Pronounced as "Meow Cat," which also serves as a more reasonable alternate spelling

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